Insure Building

Details of Policyholder

Insured Postal Address

Please answer all the following questions:

1. When did the loss/damage occur?

2. Address or location where the loss or damage occurred

3. Is any Business conducted from the Home?
Please tick box

4. Please give particulars of any Building Society/Bank interest in the property if this claim is made under the Buildings Section of the Policy:

. Was the Home furnished and occupied at the time of loss or damage?
Please tick box

If ‘No’, when was it last:

6. Is the Home occupied by anyone other than a member of your family?
Please tick box

7. Are you the sole owner of the property lost/damaged?
Please tick box

8. Are there any other insurances covering the loss?
Please tick box

9. Have you any reason to suspect that the loss arose through the actions of any particular person?
Please tick box
If ‘Yes’, give details:

10. Were the police advised of the loss/damage? (Theft/malicious damage) If ‘Yes’, state:
Please tick box

11. Describe the circumstances and cause of the loss or damage:

12. If your Policy is in joint names but you do not have a joint Bank Account, please indicate to whom any settlement cheque should be made payable:

13. Have you experienced any previous losses or claims within the last 3 years?
Please tick box
If ‘Yes’, give details:


16. I/We declare all these particulars to be true and understand that you may ask for information from other insurers to check the answers I/we have provided.